The colour of sustainability is not green. It is transparent
We’re a Think Tank ReDefining the Future of Travel
We are focused on nature, society, and technology.
Strategy, analysis, and communication.
If you need advice, lectures, courses, or help with concept development, we offer access to one of Europe’s strongest networks of experienced travel advisors.
The Tripple™ Framework
A holistic method for sustainability action in practice
The Company
Create a sustainable environment in your business by focusing on your team's well-being, adopting fair procurement practices, and ensuring all operations contribute to a positive and ethical workplace.
Building a culture of inclusivity, fairness, and honesty not only strengthens your business but also ensures steady employment, responsible tourism, and fair profits. Action over words—demonstrating your values through practices.
Promoting authenticity and ongoing learning cultivates a diverse and engaging workplace. When respected, employees thrive and enhance our team and mission.
Choosing suppliers and products who align with your business’s values strengthens the entire supply chain in a sustainable and ethical manner.
Talking openly about how you work sustainably builds trust and makes your reputation better. Clear communication teaches about saving the environment, encourages responsible travel, and keeps things transparent with everyone involved.
Prioritizing legal compliance within your company culture protects the business, its employees, and the community, ensuring operations adhere to laws and ethical norms.
Adopting a forward-thinking approach and managing risks through innovative leadership not only secures long-term viability but also fosters a culture of resilience and growth.
Aim to inspire change by focusing on delivering remarkable and sustainable experiences that give customers a new perspective and empower them. Continuously refine your services to uphold the highest quality and best practices.
The Community
Make friends with the place you visit, the people nearby, and the locals near your business. It's about joining in with local traditions, helping the community grow, and working together so everyone benefits.
Partnering with local businesses for sustainable development enriches tourism experiences and supports community prosperity.
Fostering positive ties with local environments and communities, ensuring their socio-economic well-being is a priority can make your tourism business thrive
Stakeholder inclusion means involving everyone impacted by a business, employees and local communities, in decisions. It values diverse views for more sustainable, fair practices.
Respecting and protecting culturally significant sites is crucial for tourism businesses and the communities they depend on.
Highlighting and celebrating the local area's art and culture enriches community appreciation and safeguards cultural heritage.
Inclusive travel embraces diversity, ensuring everyone, regardless of background or ability, can fully participate and enjoy enriching travel experiences.
Combatting exploitation and harassment is crucial for creating safe, inclusive environments where everyone, especially vulnerable groups, can thrive without fear or discrimination, promoting trust, sustainable practices, and safeguarding dignity.
Case Study - See how [Re] treats use the Tripple Framework in their work
The Planet
Protect natural environments and wildlife, ensure sustainable use of resources like energy and water. This is key to preserving the planet and enriching travel experiences.
Environmental stewardship involves responsibly managing natural resources to ensure their preservation for future generations.
Sustainable development and resource efficiency improve community and environmental health, with innovative design and materials reducing building projects' carbon footprint.
Lowering the use of fossil fuels and cutting back on the gases that warm the planet are crucial steps in fighting the harmful effects of climate change.
Thriving natural environments are essential for sustaining human life and tourism; these ecosystems provide crucial support for our survival.
Pollution control is crucial for protecting environmental health, ensuring public well-being, and preserving natural resources for future generations.
Reducing waste is vital for minimizing environmental impact, conserving resources, and promoting sustainable living practices.
Adopting circular principles in tourism means using resources efficiently and innovating to continuously reuse and recycle materials, keeping them in the loop.
Prioritizing sustainability with limited time and resources can be challenging. We've developed an affordable system to simplify and fast-track your sustainability efforts.
Become a member to get access!
Become a member! Join and get anytime access to our growing collection of courses, templates, tools and live sessions that help you build a more sustainable travel company in small steps. New items added every month.
For a fixed monthly fee, our team uses the Tripple framework to tailor a sustainability system for your company. This ensures progress, control, and clear communication of your efforts, aligning with customer expectations and legal standards. Community membership, tools and yearly sustainability report are included.
Big company company or special needs?
Let us tailor a solution for you!
Get a free copy of the
Tripple™ FrameWorkBook
Start transforming your company today.
Work with 3 Pillars, The Company, The Community, The Planet
Work with 21 Focus Areas. (7 areas within each pillar)
40+ practical examples from the Travel industry
126 Questions to guide you in the work
Templates and explanations to help you on the way
The people
The Transparency Company is an industry owned initiative with 50 + owners. Our founders, investors and advisors are experienced in the travel industry and entrepreneurship and beyond.
We want to spread power and wealth out from a few hands to many, and our biggest wish is that hundreds or even thousands of small companies will join us and be co-founders.
Agnes Arnadottir - CEO/founder Brim Explorer
Alexandra Pittman PhD - CEO Impact Mapper, Havn +++
Anne Beate Ytreøy - Reiselivstjenester og undervisning
Anne Haga - Visit Innherred, Explorative AS
Anne Stine Mathisen - Contrast Adventure AS
Asgeir Blindheim - FjordCon, Havila, Fjord Norway
Bente Bratland Holm - Business developer. former CEO of Visit Norway and Visit Oslo
Bård Jervan - Nye Tider AS, Mimir
Carina Ren - Scientist Group NAO, X-nordic, Aalborg University
Cecilie Smith-Christensen - World Heritage Catalysis, Unesco ++
Elisabeth Heyerdahl Refsum - Travelindustry legend & consultant
Entri Miljøreiser - Arne Sveinson Haugen
Erling Løfsnes - Visit Lindesnes AS
Espen Larsen Hakkebo - Founder Brim Explorer
Fredrik Hertzberg - Flyt Utvikling
Frode Sakshaug - Øyna Landskapshotell
Geir Arne Hageland - Funkibator AS
Gunn Anita Sæther - Founder Nanook og Travelopment
Gripen Gard og Rurale Tidsreiser
Haaken Christensen - Spor, prev Adventure Tourism Specialist Innovation Norway
Håvard Utheim - Founder Nanook og Travelopment
Ingunn Sørnes - Spesial advisor tourism Innovasjon Norge
JoAnna Haugen - Award winning writer and public speaker.Rooted Storytelling
Johannes Apon - Apon Reiselivsutvikling
Kari Hasselknippe - Hasselknippe Hotel Consulting
Kjell Ove Solbakken - Norsk Turistutvikling AS
Knut Egil Bekkevold - Outdoor Finnskogen AS
Knut Slinning - Juvet landskapshotell
Kristin Oishi - Sustainability manager Visit Oslo
Linda Veråsdal - Ethical Travel Portal
Marte Charlotte Lian - Dreaming Up North AS
Mimir AS - consulting services for tourism
Nanook AS - Local tourism, worldvide
Ole Erik Bjørnstadhaugen - Nasjonalparkriket Reiseliv AS
Ole Henrik Uri - Valldal Camping, Sylte Hotell +
Milena S. Nikolova - BehaviorSmart
Oscar Almgren - CEO founder Uteguiden
Pål Knutsson Medhus - CEO Founder Høve Støtt Hallingdal +++
Rune Brunborg - Serial founder, investor, business developer
Tine Raisbæk - Kajakkpadling.no
Tomas Are Haavet - Founder and CTO Travelin.ai ++
Thomas Ramberg - Founder & CEO Pinpoint design, Dorysign.com
Trygve Sunde Kolderup - Spor, Æra, Hvitserk, DNT +++
Ulf Stigen - Escalera AS, College lecturer høyskolen Kristiania
Åsa Grahn - Associated professor Norwegian School of Hotel management
Want to be co-owner and join our mission to fix tourism.? Contact us: hello@thetransparencycompany.no